Investing in massage is an investment in your health.
Therapeutic Massage
Your massage will be customized according to your particular needs. We will use various techniques to aid in the restoration of normal muscular function. This massage will start with the flowing strokes of swedish massage and as the muscles relax deeper pressure will be applied to areas of tension.
One hour $90
Half hour $50
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage is designed to relieve stress and muscle tension associated with the process of creating life. Not only does this massage decrease stress hormones and ease pain it also improves circulation to the unborn child. Pregnancy massage incorporates many of the techniques described with swedish massage but are performed by a Certified Pregnancy Massage Therapist to ensure you are in the best hands during this exciting time in you life.
One hour $90
Half hour $50
Children Massage
We all suffer from stress even our children! This massage is designed to help children under the age of 13 to unwind from their very physically active lives and daily stresses. With light focused touch your child's muscles can loosen and decrease muscular pain during their optimal growing years.
Under 13
One hour $65
Half hour $40
Ages 13-18
One hour $75
Half hour $45
Students over 18
One hour $80
Half hour $45